How does it Work?
Before you start, it's pretty useful that you understand what's involved and how Special Skills Academy exactly works. This five main steps flow help you to perceive the e-learning process through Special Skills Academy's Training Courses and Language Learning.
Don't forget to check our Frequently Asked Questions area too. You can find a lot of useful information in there seen from a different angle of view.
1. Start
After initial sign-up e-mail confirmation, Special Skills Academy makes the e-learning technology available to you, for your use, for the duration of your education. Participants attend classes from home, from work or any other location in their own free time. Lectures are available through a combination of Internet and educational materials that we send, like: video recordings, audio recordings, interactive videos with recorded work of the instructor on your computer screen, texts in different formats depending on educational needs and the type of course. You listen, watch, and read at your own pace.
2. Training
Training Courses: participants spend an average of 90 days for one training course. We send the groups of educational materials and educational points in that general range. But of course, this training time might vary from participant to participant, depending on a lot of factors starting from the previous level of knowledge, or the life style of each participant, to the participant’s available time for learning. Our training is based 'on demand' so you can fit everything around your schedule and work at your own rhythm. You have access to the virtual classroom to recheck your level of knowledge at any moment too.
Language Learning: an average language learning does not exist, as every participant has an own target level of knowledge that depends on the participant’s unique needs. Each participant selects his own targets by areas of language learning and by height of language proficiency using the GOLDEN KEY method.
3. Instructor Support
You have the full support of instructors and virtual classroom access. When you ask a question, a teacher will send you a reply within maximum 24 hours. This is the crucial quality difference between us and some other distance learning trainings. With us, you follow the training at your own pace and rhythm, and any time you are you 'stuck', an instructor supports you and helps you go over it.
4. Exams
Have your exam organized by Special Skills Academy according to your own plans. Training materials are the same in both of following cases: you can decide whether you want to have the exam and the certificate passed through Special Skills Academy or to acquire the target certification of your choice by any examination center worldwide at the end of your training.
If you ask for the Special Skills Academy certification, you have to contact us for setting an appointment for the online exam whenever you feel that you are ready and according to your level of knowledge. One exam costs $50/40EUR/30GBP, you must have a web cam and send us a scanned copy of your identity card or passport.
Special Skills Academy issues a certificate in high-resolution electronic PDF format. A hard copy certificate can be ordered on request (shipping and handling fees apply).
5. After Training
Education and obtaining a professional certification is now completed in the most practical way but Special Skills Academy is trying not to offer training only. Indeed, we offer an access to resources for career advancement and employment in some areas too. You can consult and check if there is anything compatible with your needs at the Special Skills Worldwide organization web page here.